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Renting a sailboat for Sant Jordi in Barcelona

sant jordi barcelona

In Gotland Charter you have the opportunity to rent a boat in Barcelona for Sant Jordi to enjoy the sea and the views of the city.

Our company specializes in boat rentals of all kinds, so in this post we will explain what options you have to rent a boat for Sant Jordi in the city of Barcelona.

Rent a sailing boat for Sant Jordi

sant jordi in Barcelona

One of the best ways to enjoy Sant Jordi’s day in Barcelona is renting a sailboat. In Gotland Charter we have sailboats of all types, both those that you can rent with your partner, catamarans and even sailboats with capacity for up to 125 passengers.

In addition, we organize daily tours such as the sunset tour, or the sunset tour with live jazz.

You can check the details of our sailing yachts for rent in the following link.